BIAZA's next Big Bug Bonanza will be held from 5 to 11 of August 2019.
Throughout the week BIAZA zoos and aquariums will hold lots of fun activities to raise awareness about insects and creepie crawlies, and show people what fascinating creatures exist in the bug world.
Please stay tuned to find out which collections near you are taking part.
Members can download a selection of free resources by logging in and clicking on the Campaigns section within the Resources hub on the members' area.
About the Biaza Big Bug Bonanza
What is it?
• The BIAZA Big Bug Bonanza is an event in which BIAZA members can draw attention to the invertebrate world in all its amazing diversity
What are the aims of BBBB?
• To raise awareness of the importance of invertebrate life in ecosystems
• To elicit positive attitudes to invertebrates by the general public
• To encourage positive behaviours towards invertebrates.
When is it?
• It is a biennial event which takes place in years when there is no National Insect Week – BBBB and NIW will therefore complement each other not compete
Who is organising BBBB?
• BIAZA’s Terrestrial Invertebrate Working Group (main TIWG contact for this event is Education Focus Group Coordinator Tracy Dove education: [email protected])
What will be happening in BBBB?
• We hope that participating BIAZA institutions will carry out invertebrate-themed activities with the public. These can be similar to and/or different from the activities that they do during National Insect Week.
• It is suggested that some activities involve exotic invertebrates if available – we have some amazing inverts in our collections and this is a great opportunity to give people a closer look.
• Some institutions may decide to invite representatives from external organisations who are specialists in specific invertebrate groups (e.g. The Phasmid Study Group) to take part in the event.