
Love Your Zoo & Love Your Aquarium

Chester Zoo

Love Your Zoo week is an annual nationwide event which coincides with May half-term where our members hold a range of activities to promote the important work they do in nature conservation, education and research.

This year's campaign is running from 27- 31 May 2024

What's new?

New Animal Day Competition for BIAZA staff and volunteers:

All world animal days start somewhere! 

Animal days are an opportunity for one species or group of species and the conservation surrounding them to enter the spotlight for 24 hours of the year. BIAZA is planning a new day for a zoo/aquarium animal deserving of attention, offering members the chance to nominate one species or taxonomic group.

For the winning entry, BIAZA will create resources for public, zoo and aquarium use to annually celebrate and support the species/taxa, encouraging conservation organisations to get involved and communally raising awareness.

Thanks to everyone who has entered. Shortlisted entries will be included in a vote during BIAZA Love Your Zoo/Love Your Aquarium week (27 – 31 May 2024). The winner will be announced on 1 June.

Plus, like previous years BIAZA will be showcasing the good work of zoos via:
  • A series of blogs on our news pages with individuals across the industry.
  • Instagram Takeovers  - from a collection of amazing zoos, aquariums and conservation groups.
  • Plenty more on our social media channels, so watch those spaces! 


BIAZA zoos and aquariums will be running their own activities - each will be celebrating a little differently and may broadcast their activities on their social media.

How will you celebrate? Let us know or tag us on social media and use the event hashtags: #LoveYourZoo and #LoveYourAquarium.

Reasons to love your BIAZA zoo or aquarium
Emily Warwick | Longleat

Reasons to love your BIAZA zoo or aquarium

  • Leisure: More than 32 million people visit BIAZA’s member zoos and aquariums every year – they offer a great day out for everyone.
  • Education: More than 1.2 million people visit each year on an organised educational visit – they offer a safe and fun way to learn about animals.
  • Research: BIAZA members support more than 1,300 research projects every year, many of these measuring behaviour with the aim of improving animal welfare – your visit helps us learn about helping wildlife.
  • Conservation: BIAZA members support more than 1650 conservation projects every year, including 435 native species projects.
  • Funding: BIAZA members contribute more than £33.5 million a year to field conservation projects.
  • Safeguarding wildlife: By visiting BIAZA zoos and aquariums you are helping to safeguard the future of species facing extinction. 
  • Providing jobs: BIAZA zoos and aquariums employ thousands of people in a wide range of disciplines.