BIAZA Endorsed

BIAZA Endorsed




The BIAZA Endorsed scheme promotes high quality CPD, events and resources that our Committees and Working Groups feel are of relevance and benefit to the zoo and aquarium sector.  Look out for the BIAZA Endorsed logo to have confidence that the event or resource aligns with BIAZA’s standards and ethos and is evidence-based, reflecting current best practice.

Applying for BIAZA Endorsed status


Any training opportunity, event or resource is eligible to apply for BIAZA Endorsed status.  You do not need to be a BIAZA member to apply, but you must be prepared to evidence how you are reflecting BIAZA standards and current best practice.


  • Must be relevant to BIAZA members
  • Content must align with BIAZA standards and ethos
  • Must be provided or created by competent, qualified persons
  • Must be able to demonstrate the content is evidence based and/or based on current best practice guidance
  • Must have clear objectives and plan for evaluation and updating of content in response
  • Training events must include active evaluation of learning

Where an application is for re-certification of something, then a summary of evaluation, lessons learned and what has been changed must be provided for review.

Application Process
Application is made via this simple online form.  Once submitted, we will be updated by email to review the application.  It will be sent to the relevant BIAZA Committees and/or Working Groups to get their feedback before a final decision is made by the BIAZA Executive Office.  You will then be notified of the outcome and any feedback.  There may be an opportunity to make changes in response to feedback and submit a second time at BIAZA’s discretion.

Applying for BIAZA Endorsed status is free for BIAZA members, groups and partners.  Non-members must pay a non-refundable application administration fee (£80 + VAT).  This is the same as the fee for non-members to advertise events on our website – if you are successful in being granted BIAZA Endorsed status any fees for advertising the event or resource will be waived.

Benefits of BIAZA Endorsed status

  • Recognition of the value of your event or resource
  • Free advertisement to BIAZA networks and beyond
  • Use of BIAZA Endorsed logo for easy visual identification of status
  • Constructive feedback from experts across the BIAZA membership to support the development of your event or resource.

Applications for BIAZA group hosted events and resources
Events and resources being hosted by BIAZA Committees and Working Groups have a different application process.  Please send an email to [email protected] with the details of your event or resource and a statement confirming the following:

  • The group organising includes relevant expertise for the topic
  • You have consulted in planning with any other relevant BIAZA groups
  • The group has identified a clear strategic need from the membership for the event
  • The group confirms the following are met:
    • Content is evidence based
    • There are clear objectives & a plan for evaluation
    • Training events include active evaluation of learning

If you have any queries about applying for BIAZA Endorsed status then please email [email protected]