
Bristol Zoo Project

Provisional Member

Bristol Zoo Project Blackhorse Hill Bristol BS10 7TP

Bristol Zoo Project is a fun family attraction that provides outdoor adventure, play and learning. Meet amazing animals from across the world, from the mischievous lemurs of Madagascar to magnificent European brown bears. Every visit supports our charity’s conservation work.
The BIAZA Annual Awards 2024 - The Full List of Winners 17th Jun 2024 Each year, we recognise the achievements of BIAZA member zoos and aquariums across a wide range of categories in the BIAZA Annual Awards. Compiled below…
Bristol conservation charity pledges to reverse the decline of 97 of the world’s most threatened species 17th May 2024 Conservation and education charity Bristol Zoological Society is pledging to conserve and protect dozens of species on the brink of extinction, which…
Greater protection for Bénoué National Park’s wildlife thanks to successful anti-poaching project 27th Mar 2024 A two-year project to help safeguard the precious wildlife of Bénoué National Park in northern Cameroon, has been declared a success. Conservation…
Red pandas are back as Bristol Zoo Project celebrates the arrival of Nilo 21st Mar 2024 A furry new resident at Bristol Zoo Project is signalling the highly anticipated return of a much-loved species. Endangered red panda Nilo is settling…
Three-year population study supports fight to save Cameroon’s Kordofan giraffe 29th Jan 2024 Crucial new data about the numbers of Critically Endangered Kordofan giraffe living within Cameroon’s Bénoué National Park has been…
Approval for new Central African Forest habitat at Bristol Zoo Project 23rd Jan 2024 Critically Endangered western lowland gorillas and Endangered cherry-crowned mangabeys are to live together for the first time in a UK zoo, as part of…
Precious Escargot: Extinct snails head back to the wild 14th Sep 2023 Thousands of Extinct-in-the-Wild tropical tree snails bred at British conservation zoos have been flown more than 15,000km, accompanied by a Whipsnade…
There’s something about Mary…the ostrich! 24th Aug 2023 A new arrival at Bristol Zoo Project has been capturing the attention of visitors with her beautiful plumage, long limbs and not one, but three sets of…
New name and brand for Wild Place Project marks exciting step towards creation of new conservation zoo 21st Jul 2023 Conservation charity Bristol Zoological Society has revealed a new name and brand, marking a major milestone in its mission to save threatened wildlife.…
Pride: Role Models - The Importance of Authentic Queer Representation in Zoos and Aquariums 29th Jun 2023 This month, in celebration of PRIDE and BIAZA Generations of Pride, we are giving space to LGBT+ voices from across the BIAZA membership. The PRIDE blogs…
Blog: Autism Acceptance – Wild Place Quiet Hour 25th Apr 2023 For Autism Acceptance Week, coinciding with the BIAZA World Autism Acceptance Campaign, Wild Place Project team and volunteers take a look back…