Latest story :Lifeline £100m for zoos and aquariums, but Government urged to help ALL
27th June, 2020-
Good news for English Aquariums and Indoor Zoos 23rd June, 2020BIAZA is pleased that the UK Government has today announced plans to allow aquariums and indoor zoos in England to reopen as part of the easing of lockdown…
Hope for Scotland's Zoos and Aquariums 18th June, 2020After many months of lobbying, today the First Minister has offered a glimmer of hope to our Scottish members.
Permanent closure during coronavirus 15th June, 2020BIAZA’s thoughts are with everyone at Living Coasts and the Wild Planet Trust at this challenging time.
Goodbye to BIAZA CEO Madelon Willemsen 12th June, 2020A Message from Dr Christoph Schwitzer, Chair of BIAZA Council I regret having to inform you that Madelon Willemsen has resigned from…
Zoos to start to reopen in England from June 15 10th June, 2020Some Zoos to Begin Reopening in England from June 15th
#YourZoosNeedYou ! 4th June, 2020BIAZA is asking members of the public to speak up for our industry.
BIAZA reveals the economic impact of member zoo and aquariums 8th April, 2020BIAZA has developed an overview of the value our BIAZA members contribute to the economy at a challenging time for zoos and aquariums. Data was collected…
BIAZA Member Update – COVID-19 26th March, 2020In light of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic BIAZA is collating all resources to provide support so that our members can continue to deliver the highest…