Spotted on Site Autumn Bioblitz

14th - 20th Oct 2024

At long last...BIAZA zoos and aquariums will be vying for the most native species observations in the week-long autumn Spotted on Site (SoS) Bioblitz! All the while, the community will be bringing visitors the joy of our native autumnal species.  All observations made in ...


At long last...BIAZA zoos and aquariums will be vying for the most native species observations in the week-long autumn Spotted on Site (SoS) Bioblitz! All the while, the community will be bringing visitors the joy of our native autumnal species. 

All observations made in iNaturalist, at any time of year, at a BIAZA member signed up to SoS, contribute to the totals and to citizen science. But be sure to be extra savvy with the frequency of your observations for the Bioblitz - between 14-20 October. 

This Bioblitz will have a separate leaderboard to the umbrella project, even though every observation will still count towards the umbrella project too.

Are you from a BIAZA zoo or aquarium which has signed up to SoS? Please spread the word and get your visitors involved with the autumnal observing.

Are you from a BIAZA zoo or aqurium which hasn't signed up to SoS? Not to worry - you can still join by downloading the setup guide and following the instructions. Give the BIAZA Office a shout when you're ready to be added to the project, or if you need assistance. 

Are you a zoo visitor? If you can, visit one of the sixty zoos/aquariums signed up to SoS (the complete zoo/aquarium list can be found here, on the umbrella project page) and log species on iNaturalist! You'll be contributing to the total species observations for that time period and helping citizen science. You could even help your zoo/aquarium top the leaderboard!

Stay in the loop for upcoming resources, like species guides, and news. Email [email protected] if you'd like to be added to the Spotted on Site mailing list.