
WWT Slimbridge (Centre)

Joe Blossom

WWT Slimbridge (Centre) Slimbridge Gloucestershire GL2 7BT

Often called the birthplace of modern conservation, we manage a mosaic of goose pasture at Slimbridge and seasonally flooded grasslands as well as reedbeds, lagoons and saltmarsh along the Severn Estuary. There are nationally important numbers of European white-fronted goose in winter among a range of visitors including spoonbill, avocet and even giant Eurasian cranes – originally bred at WWT and still visit from their release site on the Somerset…

The BIAZA Annual Awards 2024 - The Full List of Winners 17th Jun 2024 Each year, we recognise the achievements of BIAZA member zoos and aquariums across a wide range of categories in the BIAZA Annual Awards. Compiled below…
Blog: Pink birds in Parliament? The impact of animals in your care 21st Feb 2024 Dr Paul Rose, WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre, on the impacts of one flamingo's life and legacy:  Animals are at the heart of each and…
World’s rarest duck returns home 19th Oct 2023 The team at Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust are delighted to announce that the Madagascar pochard, thought to be the world’s rarest duck, has…
Species Recovery Programme awards multi-million-pound grants to projects across England, helping species like godwits, choughs and crayfish. 15th Sep 2023 Yesterday (14 September), 63 native species projects have been granted a total of £14.5 million from Natural England in the Species Recovery Programme…
The BIAZA Annual Awards 2023 - The Full List of Winners 31st Aug 2023 Each year, we recognise the achievements of BIAZA member zoos and aquariums across a wide range of categories in the BIAZA Annual Awards. Having featured…
Blog: Promoting and Celebrating Zoo Science for a Quarter of a Century 25th Jul 2023 Paul Rose and Lewis Rowden, from WWT Slimbridge and ZSL respectively, and co-chairs of the BIAZA Research Committee, write about the Committee's milestone…
Generation Wild 29th Jun 2023 Generation Wild is WWT’s nature connection project for primary school children in disadvantaged areas. The project connects children with nature through storytelling, nature activities and technology.
Comparing the wild and the zoo; a multi-zoo, multi-species study of duck time activity patterns 21st Jun 2023 Collection and evaluation of information on the evolution and ecological characteristics of wild animals is essential to the development of husbandry…
Zoo Tales Blog: Dr Paul Rose on The Behavioural Biology of Zoo Animals 24th Feb 2023 For Zoo Tales week, Dr Paul Rose, Animal Welfare and Ethics Committee (AWEC) coordinator and Research Associate from WWT Slimbridge, guides us through…
Blog: We need zoo & aquarium heroes 7th Sep 2022 On the launch of the new Zoo & Aquarium Hero Award, BIAZA’s Andy Hall explains what it’s all about and why it is so important. In the…
BIAZA honours zoo and aquarium ‘hero’ volunteers with awards 1st Sep 2022 BIAZA has been awarding volunteer ‘heroes’ across their member zoos and aquariums for their outstanding contributions in a special new award.…
A new milestone for the world’s rarest duck 8th Feb 2022 A group of Madagascar pochards, the world’s rarest duck once feared lost, has been released into the wild as part of a pioneering conservation…
An incredible 75-year milestone for the charity which runs Washington Wetland Centre 10th Nov 2021 From saving birds from extinction to creating amazing nature-friendly habitats, the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) – parent charity of Washington…
WWT Slimbridge partners with Aardman to create ‘Wetland Heroes’ App 6th May 2021 Aardman, the multi-award-winning independent animation studio, has partnered with WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre to create ‘Wetland Heroes’…
Climate change impacting behaviour of wetland birds 5th Nov 2020 Rising temperatures are triggering changed responses in animal populations in the Arctic, which could have huge ramifications for the future of the northernmost region on earth.
Farmland ponds help bring back farmland birds 6th Mar 2020 If we want to bring back farmland birds, restore a farmland pond, new research shows
An Evaluation of Flamingo Nocturnal Activity 17th Sep 2019 WWT Slimbridge investigated what flamingos get up to at night.
World’s rarest bird released into the wild 2nd Jan 2019 A duck thought to be extinct for 15 years has been brought back from the brink and given a new home on a remote lake in Madagascar.
What do flamingos do in the dark? 11th Oct 2018 Remote trail cameras at WWT Slimbridge have been watching what flamingos get up to once the wardens have gone home.
Eel and chips 27th Sep 2018 Aiming to improve eel access and help this Critically Endangered species, conservationists from WWT Slimbridge are microchipping wild eels.
Endangered beetle hides out at WWT 14th Sep 2018 The Tansy beetle, thought to exist at just two sites in the UK, but has now been recorded for the first time in Norfolk, at WWT Welney Wetland Centre.
Damsels not in distress 22nd Aug 2018 WWT Slimbridge is celebrating being possibly the first zoo to successfully rear azure and blue-tailed nymphs into damselflies.
Cranes given a head start 19th Jul 2018 The UK’s tallest bird, the common crane, extinct in the UK for 400 years is now here to stay.