The Deep

The Deep's Silver Sharks

The Deep - 3rd Dec, 2019

Community Groups across Hull and the East Riding have been enjoying participating in The Deep's educational club, Silver Sharks. Aimed at the over 55 age group, the aquarium has already welcomed a number of clubs including BP Retirees, Senior Tigers and the Forever Young Club. They have also had participation from stroke recovery patients who’ve been supported by nurses from the NHS.

The educational focus is on The Deep’s Conservation projects with topics ranging from jellyfish to penguins. They have featured a guest talk from one of the site's team of Aquarists, who focused upon their own work based at The Deep including going into detail about their daily Dive Shows including a few tales from inside the tank.

The project, delivered by The Deep's in-house Education team, aims to encourage learning with a very hands on approach. With a break halfway through for tea and scones, and then a trip into the attraction to see the animals they’ve been learning about, it’s a valuable and fun way to learn more about the world around us.

The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive with one organiser commenting that attending the session “saw the group increase their confidence, communication and mood.” As the aim is to educate, the responses from attendees have also been very encouraging with one Silver Shark describing the event as “very informative, increasing our knowledge of a world … that we otherwise would have no understanding of.”

Silver Sharks takes place on a Tuesday afternoon from 3-5pm during the Autumn and Spring term. For more information call The Deep on 01482 381 000.

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