
Galway Atlantaquaria

Galway Atlantaquaria National Aquarium of Ireland Salthill Galway County Galway

Galway Atlantaquaria, National Aquarium of Ireland seeks to present a comprehensive view of the world of water through clear and interesting displays, informed helpful staff and exciting live presentations and animal interaction sessions.

Spotted on Site 1st Jan, 2024
The BIAZA Annual Awards 2024 - The Full List of Winners 17th Jun 2024 Each year, we recognise the achievements of BIAZA member zoos and aquariums across a wide range of categories in the BIAZA Annual Awards. Compiled below…
The BIAZA New World Animal Day - Vote in the final! 31st May 2024 Brand new for Love Your Zoo and Love Your Aquarium 2024, the New World Animal Day bracket competition will be a friendly contest to give one animal a…
Blog: build fences, build biodiversity, build new relationships 8th Feb 2024 Garry Kendellen (Galway Atlantaquaria) writes about How BIAZA Zoos and Aquariums can add value to society by supporting local community projects.…
The BIAZA Annual Awards 2023 - The Full List of Winners 31st Aug 2023 Each year, we recognise the achievements of BIAZA member zoos and aquariums across a wide range of categories in the BIAZA Annual Awards. Having featured…
Reading recommendations from BIAZA Members - non-fiction 28th Feb 2023 In preparation for BIAZA Zoo Tales week, we decided individuals in the BIAZA membership to write in with book recommendations, and here were the results!…
Blog: We need zoo & aquarium heroes 7th Sep 2022 On the launch of the new Zoo & Aquarium Hero Award, BIAZA’s Andy Hall explains what it’s all about and why it is so important. In the…
BIAZA honours zoo and aquarium ‘hero’ volunteers with awards 1st Sep 2022 BIAZA has been awarding volunteer ‘heroes’ across their member zoos and aquariums for their outstanding contributions in a special new award.…
The BIAZA Annual Awards 2022 - The Full List of Winners 31st Aug 2022 Each year, we recognise the achievements of BIAZA member zoos and aquariums across a wide range of categories in the BIAZA Annual Awards. Having featured…
Cross border zoos & aquarium unite to call for international agreement between UK and EU 5th Jul 2022 Zoos and aquariums across Ireland and Northern Ireland have come together in a letter to Taoiseach, Micheál Martin and Prime Minister Boris Johnson  …
Blog: CÚRAM Sponges – from sponge slimes to medicines 28th Mar 2022 Dr Maria Marra, talks about the new Curam Sponge exhibit at Galway Atlantaquaria which is showcasing how the humble sponge is inspiring medical technology:…
Blog: IWD - Dr. Nóirín Burke, Director of Education 8th Mar 2022 To celebrate the run up to International Women's Day on 8th March, BIAZA are sharing the stories and voices of women from across the BIAZA membership.…