Corporate Associate
Criteria: Corporate Associate membership of BIAZA is open to companies that have an affiliation with zoos and aquariums.
N.B. This category of Membership is not open to those who own or hold animals as a function of their business and animal dealers are strictly prohibited in accordance with our Animal Transfer Policy.
- Promotion: Full listing on the BIAZA website with the opportunity to advertise and put up press releases. Corporate Associates are also listed in the Membership Directory in the Members Area of the BIAZA website.
- Publications: Receive copies of BIAZA publications and receive a significant discount on advertising in these publications.
- Contact lists: Have full access to our membership lists and member contact details.
- BIAZA updates: Receive regular mailings and e-newsletters from the BIAZA Office.
- Event invitations: Corporate Associates are invited to the Annual Conference, AGM and Awards Dinner and can exhibit at a reduced rate.
- Status: All members have permission to cite their membership status in publications and online and use the BIAZA logo (with prior permission).
- Sponsorship opportunities: Corporate Associates receive first refusal on all sponsorship. opportunities. These are offered on a first come first served basis.
The membership fee per annum is £525. New Corporate Associates must also pay a joining fee of £300 as a one off payment.