Educational Associate
David Powne

Educational Associate

Criteria: Educational Associate membership of BIAZA is open to registered educational institutions with links to, or an interest in, zoos and aquariums and their work. These can operate on a local, national or global basis. It is anticipated that many may seek membership for a department or part of a department or for individual members of staff. Please note that indiviuals must be permanent members of staff and be named. Educational facilities holding live exotic animal collections but that do not hold a zoo licence must be inspected as part of the application process no more than three months in advance of applying for membership. If accepted they will then be inspected every three years.


Apply for Membership


  • Publications:  receive copies of BIAZA publications including our Annual Report
  • Website: full access to the membership area of the BIAZA website.
  • Updates: receive regular mailings and e-newsletter from the BIAZA Office.
  • Resources, knowledge and expertise: all members have the opportunity to participate in BIAZA conferences, workshops and meetings, and can access the technical expertise of other members.
  • Training: BIAZA is the lead body of the steering group that oversees the Diploma in the Management of Zoo and Aquarium Animals, currently provided by Sparsholt College Hampshire. We also organise additional training courses for members as needs arise.
  • Status: all members have permission to cite their membership status in publications and online and use the BIAZA logo (with prior permission).
  • International affiliation: BIAZA is an active and influential component of an international network of more than 1,000 zoological establishments. The work and importance of this network is recognised and endorsed by the major conservation bodies, most notably the IUCN.


The membership fee per annum is £262.50

Apply for Membership