Professional Associate
Criteria: This category is for individuals who are employed in an appropriate position directly or indirectly connected with zoos or aquariums or an allied profession. Applications must be supported by two sponsors. One sponsor must be the CEO/Director of a Full Member collection and the other either the CEO/Director of a different Full Member collection or an existing Professional or Accredited Associate. Membership is only open to people aged 18 Years or older.
N.B. This category is NOT open to:
- 1. Individuals who offer a paid service to BIAZA members - those individuals should apply to be Corporate Associates
- 2. Individuals who work at institutions that are eligible for Full Membership but are not members of BIAZA
- Publications: Receive copies of BIAZA News and our Annual Report.
- Website: Full access to the membership area of the BIAZA website.
- BIAZA updates: Receive regular mailings and e-newsletter from the BIAZA Office.
- Shared resources, knowledge and expertise: All members have the opportunity to participate in our meetings, conferences and working groups, and can access the technical expertise of other members.
- Training: The Association is the lead body of the steering group that oversees the Diploma in the Management of Zoo and Aquarium Animals, currently provided by Sparsholt College Hampshire. We also organise additional training courses for members as needs arise.
- Status: All members have permission to cite their membership status in publications and online and use the BIAZA logo (with prior permission).
The rate is £95.55 + VAT.*
*Rates for associateship are subject to inflation. VAT is added to all rates. Rates are charged per calendar year, and for the year of joining, the rate for the remainder of the calendar year is charged.